The sole aim of a blogger is to make the readers on his blog more and more interested in his content. And believe me when I say that readers don’t like and thing other than the content they are looking for on their page , an environment that is free from ads , social buttons , widgets and anythig that distracts them.
Apple Safari also has a similar feature known as Readable which removes every thing from your page and just displays the text and the images included.
If you are a blogger you can give the same experience to all your readers irrespective of the browser they use.
So lets go on and do it.
STEP1: Create a page on your wordpress blog named something like “Reading” by going to Pages-> Add New.
SETP2: Change the permalink or the URL(slug) to read.
STEP3: Now you would need to edit the .htaccess file. So better get an ftp client. Add the following line at the top of your .htaccess file.
RewriteRule ^read/([0-9]+)/?$ /read/?u=$1 [QSA,L]
STEP4: Download this zip file extract the php file in it and upload it to your WordPress theme folder usually /wp-content/themes/ .
STEP5 Lastly you need to create a link on your page from where your uses would be able to use this service. Top of a post or some prominent place on your sidebar are the some places I would recommend to you for placing the link.
<a href=”/read/<?php the_ID(); ?>/”>Read story without the clutter</a>
If you have any queries feel free to post a comment.
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